Author: Craig Westwood, Director of Communications, Policy and Research, Electoral Commission
On Thursday 2 May, elections will be held in England and Wales. At these elections, voters will decide who gets to make important decisions about how their local area is run.
However, you don’t get to vote in elections if you’re not first registered to vote. We know people living in rented accommodation tend to move home more often than others, and each time you move you need to register again. Your vote matters, so don’t lose it – make sure you’re registered to vote here, and don’t worry, it only takes a few minutes!
Taking part in our democracy is something we’re passionate about at the Electoral Commission, and that’s why we work hard to make sure tenants like you have the knowledge and confidence to have your say.
But it’s not just about elections – registering can also help you:
Get a mobile phone contract
Apply for a credit card or mortgage
Obtain a resident’s parking permit
Apply for school places
So it’s worth doing, even if you don’t plan to vote on 2 May.
What are we voting for?
On 2 May, voters in some parts of England will choose who they want to represent them on their local council. Additionally, all voters in England and Wales can choose who they want to serve as their Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). You can find out which elections are taking place in your area here.
But what do your council and PCC do? Councils provide local services and facilities such as bin collections, bus services, and libraries. Police and Crime Commissioners are responsible for cutting crime and delivering an effective and efficient police service in your area.
These elections are your opportunity to have your say in who makes important decisions affecting your community, so don’t miss out – register today.